Captain Empowerment (leading by empowering)

spider man

So many teams and organizations in the world want to grow a spirit of empowerment. They want people who can lead by empowering others to bring their gifts into action to contribute. They don’t want people who need to be told every single thing to do and are afraid to act. They don’t want people who are frozen. They want proactive contributors. They want people who are empowered to lead and serve.

When empowerment is lacking in our groups and teams, we often look for and wait for Captain Empowerment to appear.

I’m not sure he or she actually looks like this image because they vanish so quickly that it is hard to really know. Still, you can often hear the phrases throughout organizations, “if only we had this or that type of leader then we could ____ (fill in the blank).”

The reality is…and I don’t want to alarm you or crush your dreams…but Captain Empowerment isn’t going to show up. The suit is at the dry cleaners.

The best teams and organizations don’t wait for Captain Empowerment, they get going on designing experiences that cultivate leaders who learn to empower others. They realize that one of the myths of empowerment is that “we have to empower others.” The truth is that people are already empowered. They have it within them. They are gifted and capable. The most effective teams just learn how to create an environment and a culture that brings it out in them.

So, what do the most empowering leaders do every day to cultivate a spirit of empowerment?

  • They share a clear vision for the type of empowerment they hope to give and see as a part of the team. They define what empowerment looks like for their group.
  • They give power (responsibility) to those who have demonstrated they can handle it.
  • They create a favorable environment in which people are encouraged to grow skills, develop, and have new experiences.
  • They don’t second guess others (unless absolutely necessary). Their way isn’t the only way to accomplish something. They are a sounding board and support, not a dictator.
  • They give autonomy to their people to find the most effective way for them to accomplish tasks. As my good friend, Howard Behar, the former President of Starbucks, says, “He who sweeps the floor gets to choose the broom!”

The best teams and organizations develop culture ambassadors who help set the temperature they are trying to establish in their culture. They realize that every single person within the organization has the ability to own the culture and be an active participant in growing and leading. There may not be one Captain Empowerment, but all carry a little piece of his cape.

Good luck on the next leg of your journey! Don’t forget your cape.

Travel Gracefully,


DSC_0097 - insideJason Barger is the globally celebrated author of Step Back from the Baggage Claim and ReMember, as well as a coveted keynote speaker and leadership consultant. More importantly, he’s striving to be an above average father, husband, and friend.

Follow on Twitter @JasonVBarger and learn more at


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