‘Opt in’ with Intention

Opt in with intention

With the proliferation of spam emails and junk solicitations in the world today, the word “unsubscribe” unfortunately has become quite common.

Because we are enrolled so often in things we do not actually want and that clutter our lives and work, we have had to exercise the practice of “opting out.” We follow the trail of messages and buttons to say “get me out of here.”

Opting out has become necessary in a world that is shooting us in the face with a firehose of more and more information. It has become such an emphasis that sometimes we’re so focused on what we’re opting out of rather than the important places we are actively choosing to opt in.

Opting in is intentional. It takes energy. It takes action. It takes ownership.

When alignment occurs within the most successful teams, marriages, schools, or companies, the root of that alignment is actively choosing to participate. Team members opt in with their mind and their hearts and align themselves with those on either side of them around common goals.

How and to what do you opt in?

JVB headshotJason V. Barger is a globally celebrated keynote speaker, leadership coach and author of Thermostat Cultures, Step Back from the Baggage Claim and ReMember. He is founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, a Columbus-based company that works with businesses and organizations worldwide. Connect with Jason online at www.JasonVBarger.com, via email at jason@JasonVBarger.com or on social media at @JasonVBarger.

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