6 Celebrations And Lessons From #SHRM15

IMG_0837I’m just back from Las Vegas and it was a tremendous experience speaking at the National Annual Conference for the Society for Human Resource Management (#SHRM15)! Over 15,500 HR leaders from around the world came together to learn, grow and discover.

It was an honor and joy to meet all of the #SHRM15 attendees and to feel the fantastic response that I received from my interactive speech titled 21st Century Leadership: Growing An Engaged Culture.

6 quick reminders and take-aways that resonated with many people:

  • Leadership Development & Culture-Shaping Is Not A Drive-Thru Experience — although we all live in a fast-food culture, the best teams and organizations understand that developing people and culture is a long-term commitment. What’s your plan to infuse energy into your people?
  • Busy or Effective? — the modern worker today shifts their focus between 300-500 times in an average day. Perhaps the greatest gift we give our people is helping them learn how to focus on the highest priorities. How will you help your people Step Back and assess what needs their eyes?
  • Engagement Is Not A Survey — it may start with a survey, but true engagement begins when you capture people’s minds and hearts around a compelling mission and story. What intentional experiences and events will you schedule in order to engage the minds and hearts of your people?
  • The Term Leadership Has Been Hijacked — we throw this important term around so loosely that it has lost some of its meaning. And yet it is so important to help your people redefine what compelling leadership looks like and feels like inside and outside of your company walls. Leadership matters. Quit the typical (boring) leadership training and partner with those who help it come to life!
  • Language Drives Behavior — are your posters in your people? Is your Core Values language compelling and clearly defined so that it is linked to action and behavior? The start to building culture is having all pulling in the same direction with consistent language and actions. Core Values matter.
  • We Are All Ambassadors Of Our Culture — the best teams and organizations enter into a process (I shared the 6A Model for Leading Change) that proactively shapes culture every single day by the way we Think, Act & Interact.

It takes human beings to accomplish anything of significance in the world. Thank you to all the amazing people from #SHRM15 who are impacting the lives, development, growth and value of people around the globe. If I/WE can ever help support your efforts to develop the leadership of your people, your culture, or your clarity of mission / vision and values, you know where to find us!

Travel Gracefully,


Jason Barger is a globally celebrated author, keynote speaker, and leadership consultant. More importantly, he’s striving to be an above average father, husband, and friend.

Follow on Twitter @JasonVBarger and learn more at JasonVBarger.com