Opt Out of Autopilot to Lead With Intention

I was working out at a System of Strength studio when I saw someone wearing a shirt that read, “Mean It.”

Those two words got me thinking: How many times do we fall into the trap of going through the motions?

If we’re being honest, it’s probably more often than we would like to admit.

We go through the motions in our personal lives and relationships. We do it with small decisions, like what to eat for dinner. We do it with big decisions, like how we spend our precious free time on the weekends.

And sometimes we even go on autopilot at the helm of our own organizations.

When big chunks of our days are rooted in routine, it can trick our minds into checking out. The good news is we can watch for those out-of-body moments and do a quick reset to center our attention.

The best leaders teach us to establish our intentions by using meaningful words and executing actions with conviction. They show us that working toward something greater than ourselves—whether it’s our organization’s mission, vision or external impact—has the power to transform the team dynamic.

Being present and working with intention will trigger a ripple effect of positivity, engagement and commitment—within yourself and your team.

That’s because teams respond best to leaders who choose their words and actions with care. They’re eager to follow our example and dive into their own work with purpose and passion when they see us doing the same.

So, for the sake of your team’s success—be engaged. Be curious. Be bold. Be excited. Be determined. Above all, whatever you choose to be—mean it.

What words and actions are you intentionally sharing with your team to show them you mean it?

Jason BargerJason V. Barger is a globally celebrated keynote speaker, leadership coach and author of Thermostat CulturesStep Back from the Baggage Claim and ReMember. He is founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, a Columbus-based company that works with businesses and organizations worldwide. Connect via email at jason@JasonVBarger.com or on social media at @JasonVBarger.

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