Engagement Wins

Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 10.44.33 AMIn many cases, it’s easier to disengage than to engage.

It’s often easier to find an excuse to not do something than to make the commitment to do it. It’s easier to shift blame than exercise accountability. It’s easier to protect ourselves than to put ourselves out there.

Because of that reality, we often just hover at the status quo. We stay where it is comfortable. We cling to our routines. We live within our comfort zones. And, within our teams and organizations, we end up just going on day by day because we don’t want to rock the boat.

But, deep down, we all desire more. We actually desire greater connection. We want new experiences. We want to learn, grow and develop. It’s just that it is way easier to just stay where we are.

So, we need people and places that challenge us to engage. We need people and places that pull us out of the comfort of our safe structures and invite us to see things with new eyes. The most compelling teams and organizations proactively engage the minds and hearts of their people by getting them to explore, develop and move outside their normal angle of vision.

Engagement wins. Every time.

When teams strengthen their level of engagement, many positive things begin to flourish. Almost every metric we look for to see whether we are making progress as an organization begin to go up when our people are engaged. (Looking for tips? Check out the earlier blog about 4 Essentials of Employee Engagement.)

So, what’s your plan as a team or organization to “engage the minds and hearts” of your people? It starts with a compelling vision, a road map, and then a series of actions that ignite their minds and hearts. Need assistance? Hit me up with a message and I’ll make sure to send some thoughts and resources your way.

Remember…engagement wins. Every time.

Travel Gracefully,


Jason Barger is a globally celebrated author, keynote speaker, and leadership consultant. More importantly, he’s striving to be an above average father, husband, and friend.

Follow on Twitter @JasonVBarger and learn more at JasonVBarger.com