Season 9 Episode 2: Atomic Habits with James Clear

Season 9 Episode 2: Atomic Habits with James Clear. Picture of James Clear and Jason V Barger
Season 9 Episode 2: Atomic Habits with James Clear

What are the key characteristics of championship teams? What helps them stick together and stay strong through adversity?

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Jason introduces Season 9 episode 2 of the podcast, Atomic Habits with James Clear. Welcome back to the podcast on corporate culture and leadership and thank you for listening. We engage thought leaders like CEOs, CFOs, managers, VPs, directors, and more for this podcast. We wish to create content that engages your mind and heart and allows you to step back and think and add some positivity to your life. We deep dive into today’s topic.

We can’t control everything but what we can control is our response. Still a lot of work to do but wanted to remind the audience what is within our control is the temperature we create in the organizations and teams we work with.

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Season 9 Episode 2: Atomic Habits with James Clear

Building a Culture of Consistency: Key Takeaways from James Clear on The Thermostat

Unlock the secrets of building a winning culture with James Clear, the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits!

In this episode of The Thermostat, Jason V. Barger sits down with James Clear, the author of the global phenomenon Atomic Habits, to discuss the power of habits in leadership and team culture. Recorded live at the 2024 Thermostat Cultures Live event in Columbus, Ohio, this conversation explores how small changes can lead to remarkable results, both personally and professionally.

The Four Laws of Behavior Change

Clear outlines his framework for understanding and changing habits, which he calls the Four Laws of Behavior Change:   

  • Make It Obvious: Increase awareness of your habits by making the cues that trigger them clear and visible.
    • Actionable Item: Conduct a “habit audit” of your workplace. What behaviors are being encouraged by the current environment? Are meeting spaces conducive to focused discussions? Are healthy snacks readily available?   
  • Make It Attractive: Boost your motivation by making the habit appealing and enjoyable.
    • Actionable Item: Brainstorm ways to make desired habits more fun. Could team-building activities be incorporated into wellness initiatives? Could a reward system be implemented for consistent positive behaviors?
  • Make It Easy: Reduce friction by simplifying the habit and making it convenient to perform.
    • Actionable Item: Identify and remove obstacles that prevent desired habits. Can processes be streamlined? Can technology be used to automate tasks?


  • Make It Satisfying: Increase the likelihood of repetition by making the habit rewarding.
    • Actionable Item: Implement a system for recognizing and rewarding positive behaviors. Can successes be celebrated publicly? Can progress be tracked and acknowledged?


Notable Quotes:

  • “Rather than optimizing for the finish line, where do we want to end up? Think it’s much better to optimize for the starting line.” – James Clear

  • “What would this look like if it was fun?” – James Clear

  • Expanding on the Quote: Clear encourages individuals and teams to think creatively about how to inject enjoyment into the process of building a new habit. He shares examples of people who made meditation more appealing by listening to music and incorporated “fun foods” into their salads while establishing healthier eating habits. This emphasizes that finding ways to make the journey enjoyable can be key to long-term success.
  • “We don’t rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems.” – James Clear

Standardize Before You Optimize

Clear emphasizes the importance of “standardizing before optimizing.” Instead of striving for perfection from the outset, focus on establishing consistency. He illustrates this with the story of a reader who lost over 100 pounds by starting with just 5 minutes at the gym. This highlights the power of small wins and building momentum. 

Creating a Culture of Habit Change

This episode provides invaluable insights for leaders looking to foster positive change within their teams. Clear and Barger discuss the importance of:

  • Environment Design: Shape the workplace to encourage desired behaviors.
    • Relevant Question: “What is this space designed to encourage?” – James Clear
  • Open Communication: Facilitate discussions about existing habits and their impact on the team.
    • Relevant Question: “Are we actually acknowledging the habits that we already have in motion, and are they bringing out the best in us or are they getting in the way?” – Jason V. Barger
  • Accountability: Establish clear expectations and support systems.
    • Relevant Question: “Who are you being accountable to?” – James Clear
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise good habits and focus on progress rather than perfection.
    • Relevant Question: “Can you give people that feeling [of being loved and supported], and then that increases the odds that they’re going to show up again the next time?” – James Clear

Links and References

For more insights and practical tips, be sure to check out Jason V Barger’s book Breathing Oxygen. This book dives deeper into the concepts discussed in this episode and provides additional strategies for fostering a positive mindset and effective leadership.

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By incorporating these practices into your summer routine, you can breathe new life into your personal and professional endeavors. Remember, as Jason says, “The best leaders, teams, and cultures on the planet stimulate progress by recalibrating their thermostat together.”

Our next episode will feature The Glue of Championship Teams. Stay Tuned!

Please leave a review for the podcast It really helps the podcast to spread these messages out into the world. Please share this podcast with your organization, on your team, or in your life to help spread these messages. Thank you!

If any of these topics are interesting to you please or you want a deep dive on any specific topics, please reach out to us at

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Remember, the best leaders, teams, & cultures stimulate progress by recalibrating their thermostat together.

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Order Breathing Oxygen now, how positive leadership impacts winning cultures
Order Breathing Oxygen now, how positive leadership impacts winning cultures


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Conversations and micro-thoughts to engage your mind and heart.

A thermostat is proactive. It sets the temperature in a room. Controls the temperature. Regulates the temperature. But in today’s distracted, fast-paced and digital world, it’s easy for individuals and organizations to act more like thermometers, slipping into reactionary thinking, becoming scattered and inconsistent. The most compelling leaders, teams, organizations, families, or collection of humans of any kind operate in thermostat mode. They calibrate their mind and heart to set the temperature for the vision and culture they want to create. Jason Barger, globally celebrated author, keynote speaker, and founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, is the host of The Thermostat, a podcast journey to discover authentic leadership, create compelling cultures and find clarity of mission, vision, and values.