Season 9 Episode 4: Congruence in Leadership and Culture

Season 9 Episode 4: Congruence in Leadership and Culture. Image of man looking at other people in a line together and he seems distant
Season 9 Episode 4: Congruence in Leadership and Culture.

What gets in our way from finding congruence as leaders or within our team and organizational cultures? And, what helps us find it?

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Jason introduces Season 9 episode 4 of the podcast, Congruence in Leadership and Culture. Welcome back to the podcast on corporate culture and leadership and thank you for listening. We engage thought leaders like CEOs, CFOs, managers, VPs, directors, and more for this podcast. We wish to create content that engages your mind and heart and allows you to step back and think and add some positivity to your life. We deep dive into today’s topic.

We can’t control everything but what we can control is our response. Still a lot of work to do but wanted to remind the audience what is within our control is the temperature we create in the organizations and teams we work with.

Please leave a review for the podcast It really helps the podcast to spread these messages out into the world. Please share this podcast with your organization, on your team, or in your life to help spread these messages. Thank you!

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Season 9 Episode 4: Congruence in Leadership and Culture

In this episode of The Thermostat Podcast, Jason V. Barger explores the concept of congruence—the alignment between values, beliefs, words, and actions—and its profound impact on leadership and team culture. As Jason articulates, congruence is the key to creating harmony within ourselves and the environments we influence, whether in personal leadership or team dynamics.

Drawing from Latin roots, congruence refers to a state of harmony where what you believe, say, and do align. While no individual or organization is perfect, striving for congruence ensures that leaders and teams operate with authenticity, purpose, and intentionality. Jason shares compelling real-world examples to highlight how congruence (or lack thereof) impacts performance and relationships.

From the transformational shift in the Miami Dolphins quarterback’s career to the Philadelphia Phillies’ remarkable standing ovation story, Jason demonstrates how leadership, mindset, and cultural alignment can inspire growth and foster positive change.

Congruence and Leadership: Building Alignment

Jason emphasizes that leadership isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress and intentionality. Congruence begins with self-awareness and personal responsibility, where individuals focus on aligning their values and actions. Leaders set the “temperature” for their teams by modeling behaviors they wish to see, creating environments where trust, authenticity, and collaboration thrive.

One key theme is the role of external voices—leaders, coaches, teammates, and even critics. Jason highlights that leadership has the power to amplify or diminish an individual’s ability to perform. A supportive environment that fosters congruence can elevate team members to new heights.

Notable Stories

  1. Tua Tagovailoa and the Power of Coaching Jason recalls how a coaching change transformed Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa’s performance. Under a leader who reinforced his abilities and expressed belief in him, Tua moved from struggling to excelling. As Jason notes, “How would you perform if every day your leader told you you weren’t good enough? Coaching changes, mindset changes.”
  2. Philadelphia Phillies and the Power of Positive Energy Jason shares the story of Philadelphia Phillies star Trea Turner, whose performance turned around after fans, once critical, decided to give him a standing ovation during his slump. The energy of support, rather than criticism, reignited his confidence and led to his best career stretch. “The spirit, the vibe, the voices around us can either get in the way or help us find congruence.”

Key Quotes from Jason V. Barger

  • “Congruence is when who you are, your values and beliefs, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

  • “No person, team, or organization is perfect, but the best are intentional about aligning their mindset and actions.”

  • “The voices around us can either help us find congruence or get in the way.”

  • “What changed for Tua? His talent didn’t—it was his coaching. The messages he received about his value changed, and his performance followed.”

  • “Leadership is about helping others find their congruence and creating the environment that enables growth.”

How Leaders and Teams Can Foster Congruence

  1. Model Alignment
    Leaders must live their values daily. Actions speak louder than words, and teams will emulate what they see.
  2. Empower Positive Voices
    Surrounding yourself and your team with supportive, encouraging energy enhances trust and confidence.
  3. Create Safe Spaces for Growth
    A culture of constructive feedback, rather than criticism, fosters congruence and allows people to align their actions with their values.
  4. Train Mindsets
    Developing self-awareness within teams helps individuals focus on what they can control and align their work with shared goals.

Questions to Ponder

  1. What areas of your personal or professional life feel most aligned with your values? Where could you improve congruence?
  2. How do you, as a leader or teammate, contribute to fostering congruence in your environment?
  3. Who in your life has exemplified congruence in leadership? How have they impacted you?
  4. What external voices or influences are helping—or hindering—your ability to align your words and actions?


Congruence is a vital component of effective leadership and thriving team culture. By aligning values, beliefs, words, and actions, leaders can set the “temperature” of their environments, inspiring those around them to grow and perform at their best. As Jason V. Barger reminds us, “Be the thermostat—breathe good oxygen, and set the temperature for the culture you wish to create.”

Links and References

For more insights and practical tips, be sure to check out Jason V Barger’s book Breathing Oxygen. This book dives deeper into the concepts discussed in this episode and provides additional strategies for fostering a positive mindset and effective leadership.

By incorporating these practices into your summer routine, you can breathe new life into your personal and professional endeavors. Remember, as Jason says, “The best leaders, teams, and cultures on the planet stimulate progress by recalibrating their thermostat together.”

Our next episode will feature 4 Organizational Culture Trends in 2025. Stay Tuned!

Please leave a review for the podcast It really helps the podcast to spread these messages out into the world. Please share this podcast with your organization, on your team, or in your life to help spread these messages. Thank you!

If any of these topics are interesting to you please or you want a deep dive on any specific topics, please reach out to us at

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Remember, the best leaders, teams, & cultures stimulate progress by recalibrating their thermostat together.

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Order Breathing Oxygen now, how positive leadership impacts winning cultures
Order Breathing Oxygen now, how positive leadership impacts winning cultures


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Conversations and micro-thoughts to engage your mind and heart.

A thermostat is proactive. It sets the temperature in a room. Controls the temperature. Regulates the temperature. But in today’s distracted, fast-paced and digital world, it’s easy for individuals and organizations to act more like thermometers, slipping into reactionary thinking, becoming scattered and inconsistent. The most compelling leaders, teams, organizations, families, or collection of humans of any kind operate in thermostat mode. They calibrate their mind and heart to set the temperature for the vision and culture they want to create. Jason Barger, globally celebrated author, keynote speaker, and founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, is the host of The Thermostat, a podcast journey to discover authentic leadership, create compelling cultures and find clarity of mission, vision, and values.