What does a mindset of giving thanks and practicing gratitude really look like? This episode shares tips on giving thanks for the people and cultures you are a part of.
Jason introduces Season 8 episode 47 of the podcast, Thanksgiving Practice. Welcome back to the podcast on corporate culture and leadership and thank you for listening. We engage thought leaders like CEOs, CFOs, managers, VPs, directors, and more for this podcast. We wish to create content that engages your mind and heart and allows you to step back and think and add some positivity to your life. We deep dive into today’s topic.
We can’t control everything but what we can control is our response. Still a lot of work to do but wanted to remind the audience what is within our control is the temperature we create in the organizations and teams we work with.
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If any of these topics are interesting to you please or you want a deep dive on any specific topics, please reach out to us at info@jasonvbarger.com
Season 8 Episode 47: Thanksgiving Practice
In this episode of The Thermostat Podcast, host Jason V. Barger explores the concept of practicing thankfulness beyond the Thanksgiving holiday. Drawing parallels to his experience as a basketball player, he emphasizes the importance of cultivating gratitude year-round, both personally and professionally.
Barger shares his personal practice of expressing gratitude daily, acknowledging loved ones, friends, and those who contribute positively to the world. He encourages listeners to develop their own practices of giving thanks and to actively express appreciation to those around them.
The episode highlights the impact of gratitude on leadership, teamwork, and organizational culture. Barger emphasizes that gratitude fosters a positive environment, strengthens relationships, and promotes both personal and organizational growth.
Notable Quotes:
“The practicing of Thanksgiving needs to carry on well beyond just the holiday.”
“The practice of giving thanks challenges us to stop what we’re doing and acknowledge the great stuff around us.”
“It shifts our eyes off of all that is imperfect around us and fixates our eyes on what we are thankful for, grateful for, and what we are fortunate to be experiencing in our lives and work.”
“We have the opportunity to embrace and approach our teams and our cultures that we’re creating by honoring authenticity and courage to share our gifts.”
“Thriving relationships, teams, and cultures aren’t something that just naturally come together. They are intentionally led and co-created.”
Questions to Ponder:
- How can you incorporate a practice of gratitude into your daily life?
- In what ways can you express appreciation to your team and colleagues?
- How can gratitude contribute to a more positive and productive work environment?
This episode serves as a timely reminder that Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday; it’s a practice. Just as athletes dedicate themselves to regular training, we are encouraged to cultivate a spirit of gratitude throughout the year. By acknowledging the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives, we shift our focus from imperfections to appreciation, fostering a mindset that fuels personal and organizational growth. This episode invites us to embrace a “Thanksgiving practice,” transforming gratitude from a yearly event to a life-affirming habit.
Links and References
For more insights and practical tips, be sure to check out Jason V Barger’s book Breathing Oxygen. This book dives deeper into the concepts discussed in this episode and provides additional strategies for fostering a positive mindset and effective leadership.
By incorporating these practices into your summer routine, you can breathe new life into your personal and professional endeavors. Remember, as Jason says, “The best leaders, teams, and cultures on the planet stimulate progress by recalibrating their thermostat together.”
The Upcoming episode will feature Culture Commitments. Stay Tuned!
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If any of these topics are interesting to you please or you want a deep dive on any specific topics, please reach out to us at info@jasonvbarger.com
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Remember, the best leaders, teams, & cultures stimulate progress by recalibrating their thermostat together.
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Conversations and micro-thoughts to engage your mind and heart.
A thermostat is proactive. It sets the temperature in a room. Controls the temperature. Regulates the temperature. But in today’s distracted, fast-paced and digital world, it’s easy for individuals and organizations to act more like thermometers, slipping into reactionary thinking, becoming scattered and inconsistent. The most compelling leaders, teams, organizations, families, or collection of humans of any kind operate in thermostat mode. They calibrate their mind and heart to set the temperature for the vision and culture they want to create. Jason Barger, globally celebrated author, keynote speaker, and founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, is the host of The Thermostat, a podcast journey to discover authentic leadership, create compelling cultures and find clarity of mission, vision, and values.